Splendid Pearls

The Final Words of Advice from Sayyiduna Ja’far as-Sadiq [d. 148 AH]

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It has been narrated that Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ great-great-great grandson, Ja`far al-Sadiq ibn Muhammad al-Baqir ibn Zayn al-`Abidin ibn Husayn ibn Fatimah bint Muhammad ﷺ, was on his deathbed and some people from Kufa (a city in `Iraq) entered upon him. They pleaded him to tell them of someone they could go to after he passed away for learning about the Dīn. He then said,

“Stick to the opinions of the people of Medina for this city forces out its bad folk (and only good people remain) as the bellows expel the impurities from iron. And follow the path of those early Muslims who have already passed. Right now, I am the most knowledgeable of you and I follow (the way of the Prophet ﷺ) and do not engage in blameworthy innovations. After me, follow the opinions of the people of Hijaz. Follow the fortunate blessed helper of Islam, the one who clings to the path of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. I tested him and found him to be an excellent scholar of jurisprudence. He is not subject to his whims and desires… If you follow him, you will obtain your due portion of Islam. If you go against him, you will become misguided and ruined… He studied [under me for a period of time] and took from me what he needed… I have pointed you to a man who is trustworthy.”

The people said,
“(We are still not sure whom you mean.) Please clarify.”

Ja`far al-Sadiq answered,
“He is Malik ibn Anas. Follow the opinions of Malik (after me).”

[Ibn Rushd, Muqaddimah Vol 1, page 10]

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