Splendid Pearls

Lockdown – One Man’s Blessing is Another Man’s Curse

Reading Time: < 1 minute
Some are looking forward to Ramadan this year. It will give them time to be secluded and just focus on their worship. But it may even turn out that they were unable to carry out their spiritual plans because of too many distractions at home.

Some may not be looking forward to it as they are “secluded” with their wife and kids; praying for someone to save them. But then they may be amongst those who wished that they had spent more time with their families.

Some are enjoying the lockdown as they are able to work-from-home. Others have been made redundant or their profession doesn’t allow them to WFH.

Some are well-off, others are not. Some are healthy while others are not. Some will live on and others may not… What may be a blessing to us, may be a curse to another.

Everything, whether good or bad, blessing or “curse” is from Allah. All that we are expected to do is be content with His Decree by showing gratitude to Him for His blessings and be patient during calamitous times. By complaining and looking at what others have and wishing we had that, too, is just an unhealthy and shortsighted way of looking at things.

What they have is chosen for them by Allah; as it has been chosen by Him for us. If they are showing gratitude for something we find difficult to deal with and have to be patient with, then there is no need to get annoyed that we are not the centre of the universe.

It’s about Him, not us.

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