Splendid Pearls

The Counsel of Jesus [Part 1]

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Imam Malik relates that Jesus, the Son of Mary—peace be upon him—said:

Do not speak much without remembering God, for in not doing so, your hearts will harden. Surely, a hard heart is far from God, and you are not even aware. Moreover, do not look at the sins of others as if you are masters, but rather look at your own sins as if you are servants. For, surely, humanity is of two types: those afflicted with sins and those who are not. So have mercy on those afflicted with sins, and praise God if you are free of them.

Az-Zurqani comments:

“Looking at our own sins as if we were servants” means to fear that our masters will come to know of the sins. Humanity is either sinful, and thus in tribulation, or sinless, and thus in an innocent state. Having mercy on those tribulated with sin means to pray for them (that their sins are removed), neither to examine their sins nor to expose them, and to counsel them with gentleness and kindness.

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