Splendid Pearls

Imams of Fiqh and Sufis Aiding Their Followers in The Afterlife

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Imam Abdul Wahhab ash-Sha’rani says:

We have mentioned in Kitab al-Ajwibah on the authority of the Imams of the fuqaha (jurists) and the sufis that all the Imams of the fuqaha and sufis  will intercede for their followers. They (their followers) will witness the presence of each of them at the moment their soul leaves their body, at the point they are questioned by Munkar and Nakir (in the grave), when they are resurrected, when they are gathered, when they are brought to account, when their actions are weighed on the scale, and when they come to the bridge (Sirat). The Imams of the fuqaha and the sufis will not abandon them (their followers) at any stage in the stages of the afterlife.

When our Shaykh, Shaykhul-Islam, Nasir-ud-Din al-Laqqani passed away, one of the righteous people saw him in a dream and this righteous person said to him: “What has Allah done with you?” He replied: ‘When the two angels sat me up in the grave in order to ask me questions, Imam Malik came to them and said, “Does someone like him require his Iman (belief) in Allah and His Messenger ﷺ to be questioned?” Then the two angels moved away from him (Imam Malik) and moved away form me.’

If the scholars of the sufis take care of their followers and mureeds in all of their affairs and difficulties in this world and the afterlife, then how will it be with the Imams of the four schools of thought who are Awtad on the Earth, the pillars of the religion, the trustees of the Lawgiver (who are responsible) for His nation? May Allah be pleased with them all.

So, my brother, gladly follow any Imam from amongst them as you wish—all Praise belongs to Allah.

[Abdul Wahhab ash-Sha’rani, Al-Mizan al-Kubra. Tr. Mohammad Jamili]



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